L'Ecole Doctorale Sciences et Technologies et Informatique

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Proposing and evaluating a model of co-construction of the learning scenario by the learner

François BOUCHET
Thibault CARRON
Type de Publication: 
Conférence international

To improve the learning process, the evolution of learner’s characteristics (cognitive, affective, prior knowledge, workflow, organization, ...) must be taken into account during the personalization or adaptation. This requires generating several scenarios (a description of activities, their order and links in the learning sequence as well as the expected outcome for the learner) adapted to the identified profiles. We propose a model which aims at improving learners’ learning processes by giving them control over two key aspects: (1) the steps of the learning scenario to be followed: after each learning goal is completed, the learner chooses the next one among the possible ones (in terms of their current knowledge) while respecting pedagogical constraints (time and quality of the solutions produced according to satisfaction thresholds); (2) the assessment mode: the learner chooses a mode corresponding to their own goals in terms of mastery, while respecting the minimum thresholds set by the teacher. We assess our approach with learners in terms of (a) adequacy of the model with learners’ expectations, (b) usability of the system and (c) learning experience satisfaction, through self-report questionnaires and an analysis of the data collected over 11 learners who used an implementation of our system on the LMS (Learning Management System) in the context of a real course on Economy. The results reveal an a priori acceptance of our model, a diversity of the scenarios constructed, and the use of 2 (out of 3) assessment modes to progress. We use these results to analyze current limits of the system and propose redesign ideas to minimize them.


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